It’s time to spring clean your hearing aids
This post originally appeared on Spring is nearly here, hooray! Get ready for sunnier days, warmer weather—and of course, tons of hype about “spring cleaning”: Time to clean house. Declutter. Out with the old, in with the new…etc. You may think you’ve heard it all, but did you know...
Social isolation named an urgent health threat
This post originally appeared on Most of us are probably aware that loneliness isn’t good for us—but today’s fact offers the hard-hitting reality of just how bad isolation can be for our overall health. Considered as risky as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, loneliness...
Better hearing continues to be easier than ever with Genesis AI
This post originally appeared on When Starkey introduced Genesis AI hearing aids in 2023, we knew they were the start of something revolutionary. And the numerous industry awards and accolades from hearing aid wearers confirmed it: Our groundbreaking hearing devices, designed with
Musicians and tinnitus are a common duet, study shows
This post originally appeared on Today’s hearing fact may come as no surprise: Did your mind also drift to how loud concerts can be as a spectator, too? But it serves as a valuable reminder that hearing loss isn’t the only condition we should be wary of when it...
Love can conquer hearing loss in relationships
Good communication has often been called the cornerstone of any romantic relationship. It’s important for not only helping us meet our needs, but also keeping us connected to our loved ones. As much as we try to maintain our connection to...
Tinnitus more likely as we age
This post originally appeared on How often has the possibility of dealing with tinnitus ever entered your mind? If you’re like many, your answer will probably be, “Not much.” But as today’s fact shows, tinnitus is a hearing condition we should be aware of as we age.
Heads up—hearing loss linked to brain shrinkage
This post originally appeared on Ahhh, aging: Graying hair… emerging wrinkles… Shrinking brain?! Believe it or not, it’s true. Our brain shrinks as we age—a process also known as “brain atrophy” or “brain tissue loss”—and it’s simply a part of life. What’s important to be aware of, however, is that...
1 in 4 who have hearing damage are unaware of it
This post originally appeared on “I can hear fine.” If you ever found yourself feeling this sentiment, you’re not alone. And if you ever found out you were wrong about it, take heart—you’re in good company. Today’s fact is an important reminder of not only how prevalent hearing loss is, but...
Getting used to new hearing aids: A how-to guide
This post originally appeared on Congratulations! You’ve got your new hearing aids and taken that first step towards hearing better and living better. So, what’s next? It’s time to get acclimated—or “used to” wearing your hearing aids. And one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for...