Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Go Hand in Hand

Did you know nearly 50 million American adults deal with tinnitus, or ringing in the ears? That’s one out of every five of us — meaning if you don’t have tinnitus yourself, you probably know someone who does.And while there are many different causes of tinnitus — physical injury, medicines and chronic disease — many people will tell you that their tinnitus started after being exposed to loud noise. Terry’s started after going to a loud concert. Ken’s started after a nail gun blew up on him. Ron thinks his was caused by being around sirens and not wearing hearing protection at the shooting range.Exposure to loud noise is also one of the leading causes of hearing loss. This type of hearing loss, called noise-induced hearing loss, is so common it has its own acronym, NIHL. Thus, it shouldn’t be surprising that 90 percent of people with tinnitus also deal with some level of noise-induced hearing loss. Moreover, the two often go hand in hand.Our new Muse, Halo 2 and SoundLens Synergy hearing aids have our proven tinnitus relief technology built into them, so if you’re dealing with tinnitus or noise-induced hearing loss, or both, you owe it to yourself to call us today and see how hearing aids can help— just like Terry, Ken and Ron did.Need a little more information? Watch this video about our Muse hearing aids and how they can not only help you battle tinnitus but enjoy music again!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRBxhALayow&feature=youtu.be&list=PLkVlnKzEMhTaTysGy0rSOnktzWpIGp4af