South Suburban Hearing is proud to support the Hearing Foundation
Each year, the Foundation donates thousands of free hearing instruments to needy adults and children around the world. Through gifts of time, money, products and materials, these international outreach programs have improved countless lives.

In 2015, South Suburban Hearing Health Center’s Jonathan L. Wright traveled with Starkey Hearing Foundation to 3 cities in Peru to deliver the gift of hearing. The team gave away more than 8,000 hearing instruments to over 5,000 children and adults in need.
For 14 days, Jonathan helped the Starkey Hearing Foundation team of hearing professionals deliver the gift of hearing by fitting each of the recipients with their very own customized, hearing devices.“We are so blessed to have been able to join the Starkey Hearing Foundation on this mission,” said Mr. Wright. “The Foundation is bringing understanding to people around the world through hearing care.We here at South Suburban Hearing Health Center are honored to do our part in delivering the gift of hearing to people in need.”
For over three decades, Starkey Hearing Foundation has used hearing as a vehicle to reflect caring and to improve the lives of individuals, families and communities around the world.
Disabling hearing loss affects more than 360 million people, including 32 million children, worldwide, yet many do not have access to the hearing devices that can help them. This hearing mission was one of dozens to help them reach their commitment to provide more than 100,000 hearing aids to people in need annually, and one million by 2020.
Wright says that South Suburban Hearing Health Center’s promise to guide their patients through an unprecedented journey to better hearing is done not only through their expertise, but through their personal approach as well.“I believe that having a unique connection and experience with each individual patient is what makes our practice special.Whether we are fitting hearing aids out in the Amazon jungles of South America or here in Homer Glen, we believe that the healthcare professional/patient relationship is the most important factor when successfully guiding someone through any kind of healthcare decision and or treatment.”
South Suburban Hearing Health Center has helped people all over the Chicago area with their hearing healthcare needs. Their clinic specializes in hearing evaluations, hearing instrument fittings, aural rehabilitation and tinnitus therapy.
Life is made up of sharing ideas, dreams and goals. Hearing is vital to that. Giving one person the gift of hearing may seem like a small act of kindness, but it has a compounding effect on the future of our world.

Learn more at by visiting the Hearing Foundation online.