The signs of hearing loss are more obvious than you think.
One in six adults 18 and older has hearing loss. Here are ways to tell if you or someone you love might have hearing loss.
Common signs of hearing loss
You frequently ask others to repeat themselves
If you find yourself saying “what?” all the time, or you need to be looking at someone to hear what they’re saying (by also reading their lips), your hearing might be fading.
You turn the TV to a volume others find loud
When you can’t have a conversation because your TV is too loud, it’s time to get a hearing test.

You have trouble understanding conversations in noisy places
This is one of the first challenges people with hearing loss encounter: tracking what someone else is saying in a noise-filled place like a restaurant.
You have difficulty hearing women and children’s voices
High-frequency hearing loss is very common — so it’s to be expected that women and children’s voices would be tough to hear.

You feel like others are mumbling
A classic complaint of people who have hearing loss is that others don’t speak clearly. If you find yourself thinking people are mumbling and hard to understand, that may be a symptom of hearing loss.
You have trouble hearing on the phone
If you have trouble occasionally, that is OK. If you constantly feel like you cannot hear on the phone, whether you’re using a landline or mobile phone, this may be a symptom of hearing loss.

You avoid social situations that were once enjoyable
People who can’t engage easily, feel left out of conversations, or who have bad experiences trying to hear in public spaces often decide it’s easier to decline invitations and stay at home. It doesn’t have to be this way.
You have ringing in your ears
Ringing in your ears is often thought to be a symptom of hearing loss or damage to the auditory system — and hearing loss and tinnitus very often go hand in hand.
You are told by others that you have hearing loss
If more than one friend or family member questions your hearing acuity — in seriousness or jest — guess what? They could be onto something.
Why people ignore hearing loss

It’s unrecognized
“I don’t have hearing loss” they say, “you just mumble and talk too softly.”

It’s viewed as no big deal
Many people are unfamiliar with research linking hearing loss to falls, depression, social isolation and dementia.

It’s easy to compensate for
“I’ll just turn up the volume, ask others to repeat themselves, or avoid places where hearing is a problem.”

They think hearing aids are a pain
Maybe once upon a time, but today’s hearing aids are smart, sophisticated and designed to set-and-forget.
Frequently asked questions
How can I recognize hearing problems?
Most of the time hearing problems begin gradually without discomfort or pain. What’s more, family members often learn to adapt to someone’s hearing loss without even realizing they are doing it. Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine whether you have hearing loss.
Are there different types of hearing loss?
There are three types of hearing loss including: sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss and mixed hearing loss. Most people lose at least some degree of their hearing as they age, and by the time they reach age 65 and older, one in three people has some type of hearing impairment.
Doesn’t hearing loss only affect old people?
Hearing loss can occur at any time, at any age. In fact, most people with hearing loss (65 percent) are younger than age 65! There are 6 million people in the US ages 18–44 with hearing loss, and around 1.5 million are school age.
If I had hearing loss, wouldn’t my doctor have told me?
Only 13 percent of physicians routinely screen for hearing loss. Since most people with hearing impairments hear just fine in quiet environments (like your doctor’s office), it can be very difficult for your physician to recognize this problem. Only a trained hearing professional can determine the severity of your hearing problem, whether or not you could benefit from a hearing aid, and which type would be best for you.
If I think I have a hearing problem, what do I do?
You should make an appointment with a hearing professional like an audiologist, hearing aid specialist or ENT for an evaluation, consultation and hearing test. Many hearing care professionals offer this evaluation at no charge.